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EPS has been selected as a finalist (top 10) within the Ambition Category in this year’s Sustainable Energy Awards. This special award reflects the ambition and aspiration for organisations that have the potential to change and influence energy management practices over the next 10 years. Competing against us for the award include companies such as Novartis, Glanbia, Roadstone & Abbvie. The process from here is to select the top three from the ten selected companies; this will include an online public vote which closes on the 24th of October 2014.
We have also been selected as Finalists in the Leadership and Collaboration categories and have been through the interview and shortlist process. The Leadership Award highlights how energy management practices have been develop, disseminated and replicated by individuals, teams and organisations. The Collaboration Award promotes the sharing of energy management practices. The award goes beyond traditional energy awareness and seeks, through collaboration, to extend the reach and influence of shared energy management knowledge into communities.
Over the past 2 years, EPS together with the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) has contributed over €670,000 in funding to 34 communities and voluntary organisations towards energy projects which were also led by EPS.
How the Ambition Award Works:
- The public can vote for their top three finalists at this link Ambition Award Online Voting
- A verification email will be sent to each voter. It is important to note that votes will not be counted until this email is verified (This process is to avoid spam)
- The overall winner will be announced at the Gala Dinner on November 13th
On behalf of EPS and our Energy and Environment committee we would like to thank everyone involved in making this happen and would like to take this opportunity to ask people to register a vote and spread the word to push EPS to the top 3 finalists in the country for this year.