EPS achieves Engineers Ireland CPD employer re-accreditation
EPS achieves Engineers Ireland CPD employer re-accreditation
We got the best Christmas present of all with the news that we are Engineers Ireland CPD accredited employers once again until 2025!
Not only were we successful in our recent CPD audit, but we also progressed in two of the audit criteria which is the maximum we can progress at any one audit so we couldn’t have done better!
The auditors felt the commitment, motivation and full support for CPD was very evident and they highly commended our HR and wider management team for their efforts to promote CPD across the Group.
Building the capabilities of our people is one of our strategic aims and we are thrilled to have been awarded Engineers Ireland CPD Accredited Employer status for the next 3 years.
We believe in promoting the concept of life-long learning and continuously maintaining, developing, broadening and improving our team’s skills and knowledge base.